About Us

About Us

Flight Commander Systems is a South Carolina LLC dedicated to providing the most flexible, modular, powerful, and expandable family of control, data acquisition, logging, and reporting products for small, fast, high-flying mobile and static applications alike.

We are building on work done over a decade ago to design newer, faster, smaller, lighter products that meet the needs of all who explore, research, and play inside and outside, in water, on the ground, in the air, and even into near space.

By creating the Flight Commander™ Family of products, FCS is striving to enhance the Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics (STEM) efforts of others working to increase America’s reach and eminence in today’s technical economy.

Sam T. Chesnutt

Growing up in the 60’s, Sam was fascinated by the flights of the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo Missions.  Like many of that generation he flew Estes Rockets, leaving the hobby in the early 70’s.

Born again in the mid 90’s, he returned to Rocketry with a desire to build more complex and powerful rockets including Hybrids, Multi Stage and Multi Engine projects.

Sam’s desire to build a “flight computer” dates back more than 10 years and the Flight Commander is the culmination of timing, technology and opportunity.

At FCS Sam is driving marketing and public relations work, including the crucial knowledge-sharing interface with explorers in the fields of rocketry and ballooning.

Malcolm J. Kudra 

Malcolm has been designing electronics since the age of 13.  Obviously that was quite a while ago.

Since the age of 15, he has been machining ever-increasingly complex projects, including hybrid rocket motors.